We sat & let the boys play in the living room for a while, and they had fun - Parker more so than Zachary, I think. Although Zachary loved Parker, he wasn't really sure about sharing his toys. But he did okay, with only a few 'interventions'. (By the way, today, Denise, Zachary picked up one of the toys Parker played with a lot - that heart Pez dispenser - & said, "Parker toy." I had to tell him he could play with it!) :)
Then we strapped the boys into their strollers, and went for a tour of the camp. We let the boys play on the playground for a while. Parker enjoyed crawling around & eating rocks, and Zachary ran around & they both managed to get plenty dirty. :) Denise and I enjoyed chatting while they played, and our I think our hubbies enjoyed their 'guy talk', too.
The guys grilled us hamburgers, and hot dogs for the little ones, and the boys played on the porch while Denise & I chatted & got stuff ready inside. After we ate, the boys were having a great time banging on a cookie sheet together, just making all kinds of noise. :) Zachary loved to watch Parker play, and squealed his name lots of times during their visit.
We had a great time chatting together, and I'm so thankful that Denise & her family were willing to drive down to see us while they were on vacation! What a blessing to be able to actually get to know more of God's family!!!
Here are the only good pictures I got of Zachary pushing Parker in the baby swing (with Denise's hubby, Drew, watching):
I guess we were having so much fun that we forgot to take many pictures! It was a great time! Thanks for coming down to see us!!! :)
How stinking precious that he remembered that Parker played with it - I love it. It was great meeting you finally and hanging out! I wish we could come visit more often!
BTW - I got Parker a Nuby sippy cup (the kind he tried there) and he's been using it all day today. It took him a bit, but he did it and he went to bed without a bottle!
So cool! I hope I can meet one of my bloggy pals at some point. :)
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