Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009


Okay, I never win anything. Really. I enter bloggy giveaways sometimes, but I don't usually bother to twitter about them to get an extra entry or anything...because I never win. Really.

But this week, I have won TWO giveaways. First, I won a Praise Baby CD that I can listen to with Zachary, and I was psyched!!! Yay- I finally won something!!!

Then, yesterday, as I was working around the house, I was thinking to myself about when we have another baby...and I was thinking, "Hmm...I'd really like to have a ring sling and a wrap to use with my next newborn...but, maybe we won't be able to spend money on both of them...I'll probably have to pick which one I want." And the fleeting thought crossed my mind that I had entered a giveaway for a sling, and maybe I would win. But I dismissed the thought, because, as previously mentioned, I never win anything. I also had the fleeting thought that God would provide just as He provided much MORE than we needed when Zachary was born!

So imagine my surprise this morning, when I turned on the computer and saw an email from Stephanie, announcing that I had WON a ring sling!!!! I am SOOOO excited! I get to pick the one I want from KimzKreations Etsy store & she'll send it to me!!! I sent Stephanie an email back using about 1,000 exclamation points about how excited I was. :) Also, I REALLY wanted to win this sling, so I twittered about the contest to get an extra entry...and guess which entry of mine was picked? The one where I said I twittered it, of course. :) I guess I should do that more often. :)

So now I'm trying to decide between the fabrics- I really like all the pink ones, but should you carry a baby/toddler BOY in a PINK sling? I am undecided. So for now I am trying to decide between the Multicolored Cotton Batik with Dots (pink rings, of course); and the Red/Orange/Green Cotton Batik (with green rings). Anybody have an opinion???? I'll let you know what I decide. :)

So, isn't it cool all the different avenues God uses to provide things we need AND things we want? Who knew He would use a fun giveaway to remind me that He knows what I want and need and cares about the little things???


KimzKreations Baby Slings said...

CONGRATULATIONS on being the winner of Stephanie's drawing!!!
I sent an email to your yahoo email address.
It might end up in your spam/junk folder.
I look forward to sewing your baby sling!
Take care,

Shanilie said...

Wow! that is awesome. I have heard nothing but good things about kims creations.